RM Austin Aerial
Imagery for NY State
Ph. 315.882.7671

Perhaps nothing can be tougher.... finding the right advertising to showcase your residential and commercial listings in a sea of routine ads. Realtors know that consumers have become more sohisticated in their search and time sensitive in their needs.

 Wouldn't it be nice to offer a virtual tour of your listings without having to walk the same property time and again with tire kickers?

 Undeveloped land or larger tracts are often very tough to surmise from photos and until now only satellite images could help. How would you like to provide a completed land map in 3 dimensions that puts your buyer in the field?

 Let me help provide the tools and expertise that were till now reserved for million dollars homes for just a few hundred dollars. Every shoot will be customized to each agent and their office.

 Call me directly and let's develop your aerial strategy for 2017!

Some exciting Ideas!

Special credit to 360 hometours.ca
Special credit to 360 hometours.ca
The Future of Drones in Real Estate

Aside from shooting cool videos of expensive oceanfront homes, drones can also help with a myriad of dull but necessary real estate related jobs, including:
property appraisals
home inspections
documenting hurricane and fire damage
monitoring land erosion
documenting property lines and
visioning and master planning.

Using special software, drones are used today to create finely-grained 3D models of buildings and landscapes in the land development, construction and mining industries. The same tools may one day help real estate developers make better use of limited resources and design homes to fit more naturally in a particular environment.
As Tom Salomone, president of the National Association of Realtors put it,
Drone technology offers a tremendous opportunity for the business of real estate and the broader economy. That’s why NAR continues to support the integration of drones into the National Airspace and a regulatory landscape that allows for the responsible commercial use of drones.
The NAR recently compiled a Field Guide to Drones and Real Estate.  It’s worth taking an hour to read the materials they’ve compiled.